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Student holding out his palm-forward hand defensively and hiding his face with the other hand.

The Use of Seclusion and Restraint for Students with Disabilities in Schools: Understanding, Risks, and Alternatives

The use of seclusion and restraint in schools has become a critical topic of discussion, especially concerning students with disabilities. While these methods are sometimes presented as necessary interventions to manage challenging behaviors, they raise significant ethical, legal, and psychological concerns.  This article aims to shed light on the federal laws governing seclusion and restraint, the distinctions between these methods and other behavioral interventions, the associated risks, and alternatives that can better serve students with disabilities. Read More…

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Special Education Basics

Common Ground is sharing a series of basic and important special education topics on the rights, responsibilities, administrative processes, and legal remedies parents and students may encounter, and to which they are entitled.

View the posts in this series now >>

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Feature articles • In-depth consideration of current special education topics and practices. • Experienced and authoritative writers. • Resources for parents, teachers, and professionals. • Fostering dialogue among special education stakeholders.

From the Courts & Capitols

Covering legal and legislative developments that shape special education in New Jersey and nationally. • Specific cases from administrative, state and federal courts. • Legislative and administrative policy developments at state and federal levels.

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Latest CG Articles

The Use of Seclusion and Restraint for Students with Disabilities in Schools: Understanding, Risks, and Alternatives

The use of seclusion and restraint in schools has become a critical topic of discussion, especially concerning students with disabilities. While these methods are sometimes presented as necessary interventions to manage challenging behaviors, they raise significant ethical, legal, and psychological concerns.

Parents’ Perspective: What Parents Can Do About Seclusion and Restraint

Parents can take proactive steps to help prevent the use of restraint or seclusion on their child in schools. This article describes some effective strategies.

From the Capitol: Seclusion and Restraint in New Jersey

While restraint continues to occur in New Jersey schools, the state has made progress in addressing the issue of seclusion and restraint. In 2020, the state enacted a law requiring the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) to collect data on incidents of seclusion and restraint in schools.

Resources for Parents and Schools

In New Jersey, several organizations provide resources, training, and support to help reduce the use of seclusion and restraint for students with disabilities. Here are some key organizations:

From the Capitol: The Keeping All Students Safe Act

KASSA, Keeping All Students Safe Act, is a proposed federal bill designed to restrict the use of these controversial seclusion and restraint practices in educational settings.

From the Courts: U.S. Supreme Court Declines Case About Video Recording Virtual IEP Meetings

The U.S. Supreme Court has declined arguments in a case (Pitta v. Medeiros) looking at whether parents have the right to video recordings of meetings with their child’s school district about special education services.

From the Courts: New Jersey Students Who Earn GEDs are Entitled to Additional Special Education Services

The New Jersey State Supreme Court has ruled that students with disabilities are entitled to a free public education even after they earn a General Education Development (GED). The case involves a teen with disabilities who was denied a request to reenroll in a Sussex County high school after receiving a state-issued GED high school diploma.

SNAPSHOT: Seclusion Rooms

In the context of special education, “seclusion rooms” may be referred to by various euphemisms that can sometimes obscure their purpose. These terms can vary in meaning and intent, and their use may depend on the specific practices of a school or district. This article lists many of those terms.