Increasing the dialogue among stakeholders in New Jersey’s special education system
  1. Eight percent of computers in public schools in 1995 used for instructional purposes had Internet access. By 2008, that percentage had reached 98%.1
  2. 97 percent of teachers have one or more computers located in the classroom.1
  3. 93 percent of the computers located in the classroom have Internet access.1
  4. 40 percent of teachers report that they or their students often use computers in the classroom during instructional time.1
  5. 7 out of 10 teachers view on-line games as a tool for increasing student engagement and motivation.2
  6. In 2010, 63% of principals were unlikely to allow students to use their own mobile device in school. By 2103, that number dropped by almost half to 32%.2
  7. 41% of principals say they are likely to allow students to use personal mobile devices in the classroom.2
  8. Half of all students in grades 3-5 have access to a smart phone.2
  9. 33% of high schoolers in the U.S. use school-issued mobile devices.2

1. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2010). Teachers’ Use of Educational Technology in U.S. Public Schools: 2009 (NCES 2010-040).
2. 2013 Findings from Project Tomorrow’s “Digital Learning Playbook.”

To see more data, go to:
2013, Digest of Education Statistics 2012, Table 120. Number and internet access of instructional computers and rooms in public schools, by selected school characteristics: Selected years, 1995 through 2008