by Common Ground | Jun 1, 2021 | Capitols, Q&A
Does your child with disabilities turn 21 on or before June 30, 2021? Did they miss out on vital transition services due to the pandemic? Are they scheduled to graduate because they are “aging out”? Not so fast… There is a new law on its way. S-3434 is on track to go...
by Common Ground | Apr 20, 2021 | Better IEPs, Features, Parents, Students, Teachers
The end of the second COVID school year is near, and many parents are asking whether their school district has met the requirements of their child’s Individual Education Program (IEP). For students expected to graduate this year, these questions are particularly...
by Common Ground | Apr 20, 2021 | Better IEPs, Parents, Professionals, Teachers
Throughout the pandemic, students with transition services, especially community-based instruction, and off-site job placements, have found that services could not be implemented due to business closures or gathering restrictions. In its “The Road Back”...
by Common Ground | Apr 20, 2021 | Capitols, Features, Parents, Professionals, Teachers
On March 3, NJDOE issued a broadcast memo to provide guidance to schools, students, parents/guardians of students with disabilities, advocacy groups, and other key stakeholders regarding compensatory education for students with disabilities. The changes in school...
by Common Ground | Apr 20, 2021 | Courts, Features, Professionals, Teachers
The COVID-19 pandemic and its disruption of education has had schools, parents, and advocates wondering about accountability for services for students with disabilities that were lost under school closures, and due to remote and virtual instruction. Dr. Perry Zirkel,...
by Common Ground | Apr 20, 2021 | Courts
In October 2020, the United States District Court in New Mexico issued an important ruling related to COVID and IDEA in Hernandez v. Grisham, a case originally filed as a class action. Plaintiffs challenged the state’s COVID-19 reentry policy for the public...
by Common Ground | Apr 20, 2021 | Courts
Last fall, the role of non-attorney advocates in special education advocacy came under fire when the New Jersey Supreme Court issued “Opinion 56.” The 10-page opinion would have made it more difficult for advocates who are not lawyers to help parents of special...
by Common Ground | Apr 20, 2021 | Capitols
Congressional Democrats in Washington D.C. have introduced the Keeping All Students Safe Act. If passed, the measure would enact a national ban on all restraint procedures that can restrict breathing, including prone restraint (where students are held face down on the...
by Common Ground | Apr 20, 2021 | Capitols
A bill moving through the New Jersey legislature would require boards of education to provide special education, transition services, and related services to certain students exceeding the age of eligibility for special education and related services. The bill would...
by Common Ground | Apr 20, 2021 | Capitols
The proposed FY2022 New Jersey State budget includes $578 million in additional K-12 school aid and nearly $50 million in additional preschool funding. School districts will be able to use state funds, in conjunction with federal resources, to address COVID-19-related...