Increasing the dialogue among stakeholders in New Jersey’s special education system

Q&A: School Observations

By Melissa Powers, Esq. The do’s and don’t’s of school observations are tricky; it is an area of law that is underdeveloped and incredibly fact sensitive. As you read the Q&A, keep in mind that schools often err on the side of being too restrictive and protective,...

Watch This: Accommodations and Modifications

“Because each child is unique, the IEP must identify specific strategies to help your child succeed.” For students with disabilities, the right accommodations and modifications can be as important to school success as appropriate IEP goals. These educational supports...

Better IEPs: Supports for School Personnel

Consider this Scenario: A child with autism attends school in a mainstream classroom. Although she is progressing academically, her teacher isn’t sure how to handle situations that make her upset, such as when she doesn’t understand an assignment or during unexpected...