by Common Ground | Aug 12, 2019 | Q&A
By Melissa Powers, Esq. The do’s and don’t’s of school observations are tricky; it is an area of law that is underdeveloped and incredibly fact sensitive. As you read the Q&A, keep in mind that schools often err on the side of being too restrictive and protective,...
by Common Ground | Aug 12, 2019 | Watch This
“Because each child is unique, the IEP must identify specific strategies to help your child succeed.” For students with disabilities, the right accommodations and modifications can be as important to school success as appropriate IEP goals. These educational supports...
by Common Ground | Aug 12, 2019 | Parents, Professionals, Teachers
By Joanne DeSimone As an advocate, I help parents and district case managers find appropriate placement options for their students. As a special educator and parent of two children with disabilities, I use the knowledge I’ve acquired from sitting on both sides of the...
by Common Ground | Aug 12, 2019 | Better IEPs
Consider this Scenario: A child with autism attends school in a mainstream classroom. Although she is progressing academically, her teacher isn’t sure how to handle situations that make her upset, such as when she doesn’t understand an assignment or during unexpected...
by Common Ground | May 6, 2019 | Features, Parents, Professionals, Teachers
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, IDEA, states that “Beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the child turns 16, or younger if determined appropriate by the IEP Team, and updated annually, thereafter, the IEP must include...
by Common Ground | May 6, 2019 | Parents, Q&A
By Ira M. Fingles, Esq. Q: What is an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)? A: Independent educational evaluations are one of a parents’ most powerful rights in the special education system. Under Federal special education law, an IEE is defined as “an evaluation...
by Common Ground | May 6, 2019 | Better IEPs, Parents, Professionals, Teachers
By Katie Curran, MAPP It’s that time of year – IEP season! Whether you are a parent of a child who needs an Individualized Education Program or a special educator tasked with writing the plan, you are likely preparing for upcoming meetings. These meetings aim to set...
by Common Ground | May 6, 2019 | Watch This
Wondering how psychologists test kids for dyslexia and other kinds of learning and attention issues? In this video from Understood, viewers get to see what kinds of questions kids get asked, when being tested for reading issues. Watch as Dr. Matthew Cruger, Ph.D....
by Common Ground | May 6, 2019 | Parents
By Bob Cunningham, Ed.M. Was your child recently evaluated — either by the school, a private clinic or independent evaluator? It’s important to share the report with your child’s teacher (if the evaluator or your lawyer, if you have one, doesn’t object). Here are...
by Common Ground | May 6, 2019 | Capitols
Trenton lawmakers have introduced a bill (A-4692) that would change the way in which state aid to local public schools for special education is calculated. The state currently provides special education aid to school districts, using a census-based method. In this...