by Common Ground | Sep 6, 2018 | Features
By Viviana Litovsky, Ph.D. Once children begin to learn how to label what they are feeling, we can teach them how to put their emotions into a proper perspective.These days, it isn’t hard to find someone who feels “stressed out.” The pace and volume of stimulation...
by Common Ground | Sep 6, 2018 | Capitols
The Trump administration has delayed for two years the implementation of an Obama-era rule designed to prevent students from certain backgrounds from being wrongly placed in special education, halting the so-called “significant disproportionality” rule. Under the...
by Common Ground | Sep 6, 2018 | Snapshot
Nearly 3,400 caregivers were asked about their responsibilities and their concerns. Here is what they said 95% said they were stressed out. Parents report spending, on average, 57 hours a week feeding, dressing, providing behavior support and managing finances as they...
by Common Ground | Jun 13, 2018 | Courts
A Middlesex County school district has prevailed in due process matter centering on bullying and school safety. The case involves a girl who is blind and, according to the parent’s petition, had been knocked down in the hallway, called names, pushed down steps and...
by Common Ground | Jun 13, 2018 | Snapshot
There are 6.7 million students with disabilities in our nation’s classrooms, up from 6.6 million the previous year. 13.2% of all students ages 3-21 in the United States have educational disabilities. More than 1/3 of all students with disabilities have a specific...
by Common Ground | Jun 13, 2018 | Courts
A Salem County student with disabilities was allowed to return to his local public school, following inappropriate removal for disciplinary reasons. The 2016 case involves a 15 year-old boy with specific learning disabilities who attends a the local public high...
by Common Ground | Jun 13, 2018 | Capitols
Under new guidelines at the US Department of Education that went into effect in March, 2018, the Office for Civil Rights can dismiss reports if “a complaint is a continuation of a pattern of complaints previously filed with OCR by an individual or group against...
by Common Ground | Jun 13, 2018 | Capitols
Students with disabilities continue to struggle to make progress in math and reading, according to a new report issued by the National Center for Education Statistics. Known as the ‘Nation’s Report Card,’ nearly 585,000 students at over 28,000 schools across the...
by Common Ground | Jun 13, 2018 | Features
“Most schools are not fully prepared to support students with autism, sensory disabilities, medical and mobility disabilities, and other unique challenges in emergency situations.” In an age of increased emphasis on school safety and security, evacuation...
by Common Ground | May 25, 2018 | Capitols, Uncategorized
Legislation introduced this spring by State Senator Teresa Ruiz (D-29), Chairwoman of the Senate Education Committee, would establish a new way for districts to identify students with learning disabilities and find them eligible for special education services. Current...