by Common Ground | Mar 26, 2018 | Features
State regulations (New Jersey Administrative Code Title 6A, Chapter 16 (NJAC 6A:16) Programs to Support Student Development) requires school districts to “develop, adopt, disseminate and implement a code of student conduct that establishes standards, policies and...
by Common Ground | Jan 22, 2018 | Q&A
1. Isn’t assistive technology best for students with cognitive impairments? Assistive technology is used every day by people with and without disabilities. When you type on your phone, word prediction software helps you text faster. When you are at the gym, the closed...
by Common Ground | Jan 22, 2018 | Letters
Dear Editor, Lost in the hundreds of bills passed during the lame duck period of the final week of the legislature, was a Restraint and Seclusion bill that not only strips students with disabilities of their civil rights, but now legislates their continued physical...
by Common Ground | Jan 22, 2018 | Features
By Maria Docherty and Lauren Agoratus, M.A. With the increased focus in the United States on charter schools and the use of vouchers to support student attendance at private schools, more and more parents of students with disabilities are asking questions about how...
by Common Ground | Jan 22, 2018 | Capitols
Nine months after the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled on the rights of students with disabilities, the USDOE has published a guidance paper. The nine-page Q&A document distills key points in Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District. It...
by Common Ground | Jan 22, 2018 | Capitols
As part of a larger effort to reduce rules and regulations deemed unnecessary, the Trump administration has proposed a two-year delay of a new rule that would require states to take a stricter approach to identifying whether local school districts have wide racial or...
by Common Ground | Jan 22, 2018 | Capitols
Earlier this fall, the USDOE rescinded scores of policy documents that outline the rights of students with disabilities as part of the Trump administration’s effort to eliminate regulations it deems superfluous. A total of 72 documents — 63 from the Office of Special...
by Common Ground | Jan 22, 2018 | Capitols
On his final days in office, NJ Governor Chris Christie signed into law a measure that establishes requirements for use of restraint and seclusion on students with disabilities in special education. The bipartisan bill, which was passed unanimously in both houses of...
by Common Ground | Jan 22, 2018 | Parents
By Joanne DeSimone I recently took notice of a headline which read, “Alabama school board member considers institutionalization for special ed students.” Early into the video, school board member Ms. Ella Bell says, “Is it against the law for us to establish perhaps...
by Common Ground | Sep 11, 2017 | Snapshot
Medicaid covers one in five Americans. Medicaid is the nation’s largest health care provider. Medicaid covers 40% of America’s children – over 30 million children. Medicaid covers half of all births in America. One in five Medicaid dollars is spent on children. 2/3 of...