Increasing the dialogue among stakeholders in New Jersey’s special education system

Snapshot: Special Education: By The Numbers

Newly released data from UDOE show that the number of students receiving special education is increasing. Newly-released data from the U.S. Department of Education indicates that 6,050,725 students ages 6 to 21 across the country were served under the Individuals with...

Homelessness, Poverty and Special Education

Students without a home face steep educational challenges: the absence of basic necessities such as food and clothing; poor healthcare and medical services; a lack of quality mental health services; interruption of education due to mobility; and trauma.Poverty...

Student Perspective: The Partially Defined Struggle

by Jeremy Einbinder Because cerebral palsy is neurological, my brain is my body and my body is my brain. The physical impairments associated with cerebral palsy may be my most obvious issue, but it’s impossible to completely separate my physical issues from my social...