by Common Ground | Sep 19, 2012 | Features
“One exciting trend in the AT marketplace is the use of off-the-shelf consumer electronics in the classroom to assist students with a wide range of learning differences.”By Brian S. Friedlander, Ph.D. From iPads to iPhones, we are living in a world in...
by Common Ground | Apr 5, 2012 | Features, Parents, Professionals, Teachers
By: Dr. Meir Flancbaum As a teacher, you can serve as the child’s “coach,” when he implements strategies in the classroom. Sam is a bright, considerate, athletic middle school student, but he dreads going to school. Throughout his day, unintended movement and noises...
by Common Ground | Sep 12, 2011 | Features, Parents, Professionals, Teachers
An Interview with an Expert on Bullying Provides a Thought-provoking Perspective “Bullying by teachersis enabled by a conspiracy of silence.” – Dr. Alan McEvoyBy Jean Harkness Many parents would advise a child that the only way to deal with bullies is to stand...
by Common Ground | Jun 1, 2011 | Features, Parents, Q&A, Teachers
By Ira M. Fingles, Esq., and Elizabeth M. Roberts, Psy.D. Under federal law, a student with disabilities is entitled to special education and related services until age 21, or until the student accepts a diploma – whichever comes first. The decision about when a...
by Common Ground | Jun 1, 2011 | Features, Parents, Teachers
The Symptoms of TBI The symptoms of TBI vary and depend on a number of factors, such as the severity of injury, the location and extent of injury in the brain, the child’s age and many other factors. There are, however, many common symptoms presented by students with...
by Common Ground | Jun 1, 2011 | Features, Professionals, Teachers
By: Nathan Levenson Special education costs are rising, as are the number of students with complex needs. In addition, “No Child Left Behind” demands higher levels of student achievement as school budgets are shrinking. While districts push state and federal...