The New Jersey Department of Education issued a policy memo clarifying the need for goals and objectives for students with disabilities who are educated in general education programs. The memo underscores the need for IEP teams to develop goals and objectives based on the unique needs of each student and reiterates that decisions regarding what is appropriate for a student cannot be predetermined or made based solely upon a student’s placement.
The IEP team must consider the need for goals and objectives that (a) enable the student to be involved in and progress in the general education curriculum; and that (b) address other educational needs that result from the student’s disability. The IEP must include one or more goals and related objectives that are responsive to the considerations in (a) and/or (b). Goals and objectives should represent modified instructional content and/or address other skill areas, such as social, communication, organizational, study, self-regulatory and/or transition related skills in response to the student’s needs