Increasing the dialogue among stakeholders in New Jersey’s special education system

Students learning outdoors in ESY program

Q: What is Extended School Year?

A: ESY means educational programming beyond the traditional 180-day school year.

Q: Who determines ESY eligibility?

A: Every student with a disability under IDEA must be considered for ESY services. The determination is made on an individual basis by the student’s IEP each year at the annual IEP review meeting

Q: What criteria should be considered in making an ESY eligibility determination?

A: While there is no single criterion used in deciding eligibility determination, case law has established several factors to be considered. One standard is the Regression/Recoupment analysis which considers the amount of regression a student experiences as a result of an interruption in education services, and the amount of time required to regain the prior level of skill. Other criteria may include the nature and severity of the students disabilities, the ability of the child’s parent to provide educational structure in the home, behavioral and physical impairments, the ability of the student to interact with nondisabled peers, the student’s vocational needs, the availability of alternative resources, emerging skills and breakthrough opportunities when the student is on the verge of learning a new skill. While “Regression/Recoupment is a part of the determination, it is not the only measure.

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