Increasing the dialogue among stakeholders in New Jersey’s special education system

Snapshot: Medicaid and Special Education

Medicaid covers one in five Americans. Medicaid is the nation’s largest health care provider. Medicaid covers 40% of America’s children – over 30 million children. Medicaid covers half of all births in America. One in five Medicaid dollars is spent on children. 2/3 of...

Medicaid and Special Education

Medicaid is a successful government-operated, single-payer health program established in 1965 as part of Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society.” The nation’s largest single source of health insurance, Medicaid covers one out of five Americans with very low income- more than...

Q&A: Facilitated IEP Meetings In New Jersey

The NJ Department of Education (NJDOE) Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) is presently piloting a new program of IEP Facilitation. The initiative is in four districts in NJ-Hamilton, Elizabeth, Cherry Hill, and Plainsboro, and will be launched statewide in...

Q&A: Is It Dyslexia?

By Deborah Lynam and Jillian Matysik Child Study Team (CST) members are often asked about dyslexia in schools by parents and educators. Until the recent dyslexia legislation in New Jersey, dyslexia was not traditionally discussed in schools. This was often a cause of...