Increasing the dialogue among stakeholders in New Jersey’s special education system

While paraprofessionals in the special education classroom can offer much-needed support, there are potential drawbacks to over-relying on them. The role of the paraprofessional is meant to complement, not replace, the work of the teacher, and it is important to balance the support provided with the development of student independence.

Dependency: One of the key concerns about the use of paraprofessionals, particularly in the case of a 1:1 aide, is the potential for students to become overly dependent on their support. When a student becomes accustomed to constant assistance, they may struggle to complete tasks on their own. This dependency can stifle the development of essential skills such as problem-solving, self-regulation, and independent learning.

Over-reliance on paraprofessionals can also hinder students from developing the self-advocacy skills they will need in higher education or the workplace. For example, if a student is used to a paraprofessional helping them organize their thoughts or navigate social situations, they may find it difficult to function independently when the paraprofessional is no longer available.

Stigma and Social Isolation: Another potential issue with paraprofessionals is the risk of social stigma. When a student is always accompanied by an aide, peers may view them as different, which can contribute to feelings of isolation. This stigma may undermine the student’s self-esteem and social development, further limiting their ability to form friendships and integrate into the classroom community.

Additionally, if the paraprofessional is constantly hovering over the student, it may signal to other students that the child is incapable of performing tasks on their own, reinforcing stereotypes and reinforcing exclusion.

Limited Skill Development: In some cases, students may not have the opportunity to develop the skills necessary for long-term success because the paraprofessional is taking on too many responsibilities. For example, a paraprofessional may assist with tasks like writing or reading aloud, but this may reduce the amount of practice a student needs to improve those skills independently. Without this practice, the student may not make the progress needed to function in a less supportive environment.

To help students become more independent, it is important for teams to include strategies in the IEP to gradually decrease the use of paraprofessionals. These may include:

Reducing the paraprofessional’s involvement, with the student taking on more responsibility for their learning.

Teaching self-regulation strategies so students assume more responsibility for managing their behavior, staying on task, and asking for help when needed.

Building peer relationships by encouraging peer support and fostering positive social interactions can help reduce the stigma associated with having a paraprofessional and promote greater inclusion.

Paraprofessionals play an essential role in supporting students with disabilities, helping them access the curriculum and develop important life skills. It is crucial that their support is balanced with strategies to foster student independence. By carefully planning and monitoring the use of paraprofessionals, educators and families can ensure that students are receiving the support they need while also preparing them for success beyond the classroom.